The iGurus

Phone Repair Shops: The iGurus
Phone Repair Store: USA, Kansas
Business Description in Short: Our technicians service all brands including Apple, Samsung and Microsoft. From laptops to iPods, we have the skills and experience needed to keep your devices in great condition.
Business Description in Detail: Whether your computer is suffering from a virus or your tablet has a cracked screen, we will act quickly to get your device back into optimal shape. We perform all of our repairs in house where you can expect quick turnaround times. Because we value client satisfaction, we are happy to offer competitive prices and free diagnostic testing.
Website URL:
Phone Number: (785) 840-4870

We are Looking for Phone Repair Experts

We started New Phone Repairs in a hope to create a platform where users ask phone repair questions from our Phone Repair Experts. As such now response is good and we are getting number of questions on daily basis, but at the same time due to such a good response our current team is not able to reply all emails and responses. We are trying our best to meet out this problem asap.

That's why we are looking for new phone repair experts in our team who like to help others and in return we promote services and stores of phone repair expert on our website. In case any phone repair expert wants to monetise his/her expertise we are ready for that also. Register youself as a Phone Repair Expert on our website.

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