Smartphone: Samsung Galaxy J3 Problem: Damaged Screen Description: My screen has smashed but I can still hear notifications and other sounds but cannot see anything.
Tag: Screen Repair Partner
Lenovo Vibe S1 Lite – Screen Cracked
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe S1 Lite Problem: Cracked Screen Damage Screen Description: Screen crashes I accidently fell my phone the Screen crashes Sensors need to be checked.
Acer Liquid Z520 – Black Screen Issue
Smartphone: Acer Liquid Z520 Problem: Black Screen Description: How to fix or troubleshoot a blank or black screen not powering up issues.
Lenovo Vibe P1M – Screen Scratched
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe P1M Problem: Broken Screen, Screen Scratched Description: The problem issue is related to the screen,the screen of phone is somewhat scratched at the upper right hand side. It is looking that the main screen is breaked or scracted please suggested what to do and where to do?
Lenovo Vibe Shot – LCD Repair Cost
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe Shot Problem: LCD Repair, LCD Repair Cost Description: I have a problem in terms of lcd of my, I just want to verify how much it will cost to repair?
Panasonic Eluga Icon – Screen Broken
Smartphone: Panasonic Eluga Icon Problem: Broken Screen Description: I broke the screen of my smathphone and I wanted to get a display for this model.
Asus Zenfone 5 – Black Phone Screen
Smartphone: Asus Zenfone 5 Problem: Phone Screen Black, Black Phone Screen Description: First, I want to apologise if I have a bad grammar. Today, I’ve dropped my phone. And then, my phone’s screen turning black. I can’t do anything to my phone eventhough my phone is on! I know my phone is on because I […]
Lenovo Vibe X3 – Phone Repair
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe X3 Problem: Repair Phone Description: I have just simple question. I planning to buy like this phone. If under the warranty I have some defects, you going to repair free or I have to send to China?
Lenovo Vibe P1C72 – Glass Screen Broken
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe P1C72 Problem: Broken Screen, Broken Glass Screen Description: I have a broken glass screen. Need help to find original replacement and good repair center. Also would be nice to know how to open the phone, in case I want to repair myself.