Smartphone: ZTE Blade C341 Problem: Replacement Phone Screens Description: Hi id like. To. Know. If you. Know a low. Priced replacement parts. Website for. My ZTE. Blade C341 and. Also a. Guide on. How. To. Fix as easily as possible if you can help me with. Info regarding this. Device id be extremely grateful
Tag: Smartphone Screens
Lenovo Vibe P1m – Glass Broken
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe P1m Problem: Broken Screen, Screen Broken Description: Lenova vibe p1m little bit break in glass but it does not affect the touch pad bought for 6 months ago is there warranty covers?
Acer Liquid E600 – Phone Not Working
Smartphone: Acer Liquid E600 Problem: Phone Not Working Description: My e600 wont open when i tried to hard reset then restart.
Motorola Moto E – Issue in Phone
Smartphone: Motorola Moto E Problem: Issue in Phone Description: Last night just before bed I rememberd I needed to google details on walk-in bathtubs. Using the mike icon for voice, I asked my questions, but was answered in a different language. I tried a couple more times, same thing. I had not changed any settings […]
Nokia Lumia 530 – Screen Cracked
Smartphone: Nokia Lumia 530 Problem: Cracked Screen, Screen Cracked Description: My phones screen cracked and now It barely responds to touch but I cant put in the passcode, can it be repaired so that it responds.
Lenovo Vibe Z2 – Black Screen Issue
Smartphone: Lenovo Vibe Z2 Problem: Black Screen Issue Description: Last night I set reminder to 2:00 AM but the reminder doesn’t work. When I wake up I found the mobile with black screen although the mobile was having 75% state of charge. I connect the charger but didn’t work. I connect the usb cable to […]
Nokia Lumia 625 – Shattered Screen
Smartphone: Nokia Lumia 625 Problem: Shattered Screen, Shattered Phone Screen Description: Want to replace shattered 625 screen.
Huawei Honor 6 – Replacement Screen
Smartphone: Huawei Honor 6 Problem: Replacement Screen Description: Looking for a guide to replace my screen.